How To Avoid Hip Replacement

How To Avoid Hip Replacement

It is very common for a person to need a hip replacement however those who are affected the most are our elderly. As we grow weaker with age, this takes a toll on our body leading to surgeries such as hip replacements.

Although considered a casual procedure, no one truly wants to have to go through this surgery. It is considered something which is inevitable and cannot be helped, but this is far from the truth.

Whilst age is a huge factor in getting hip replacements, there are ways to avoid this procedure altogether.

Why Do People Need Hip Replacements?

Hip replacements are a necessary procedure and are usually aimed at those who are at an older age. This surgery is needed when the hip joint is damaged or worn as this leads to reduced mobility as well as pain.

If you are not sure whether or not you need this surgery, it is necessary to look at the signs. You may need a hip replacement if:

  • You are experiencing pain when you walk
  • Your hip is tender
  • Your him is swelling
  • You have limited motion in your hip joint
  • You feel pain in your hip even when resting

Avoiding A Hip Replacement

If you are reaching a later age and are worried about the durability of your hip joints, then it is necessary to work fast to prevent the inevitable.

No one wants to go through the pain of a weakened hip joint and no one wants to have to get a hip replacement if it can be helped. This is why we will be guiding you through what you can do to avoid this.

By following these points, you will feel a change in yourself and feel confident about avoiding that hip replacement.

Exercise Regularly

Getting into the habit of exercising regularly will be really beneficial if you are wanting to avoid a hip replacement. By exercising, you will be strengthening the muscles around your hips and back, stabilizing your core.

With a strong core, it will provide support to the hips which will benefit the body long term. The reason people need hip replacements is because their hip joints weaken. By exercising, you will be keeping those joints strong and durable.

Keep A Healthy Weight

Alongside exercising, you will also want to maintain a steady and healthy weight.

The leading cause for hip replacements is arthritis (specifically osteoarthritis) and the chances of getting this are enhanced when you are carrying extra pounds.

Carrying too much weight can be painful in general whether that be with getting back pains or sore feet, so it is reasonable for that weight to weaken the hips too.

It should also be mentioned that as we get older it is natural for our hip joints to weaken so having too much weight on our bodies will only make things considerably worse.

Don’t Push Too Hard

Don’t Push Too Hard

Whilst it is recommended to exercise regularly and maintain a good weight, you should also remember not to push yourself too hard.

Make sure to modify your activities so that it works for you and your body, especially if you are someone who is older.

For instance, if you are running and feeling pain in your hip joints, running even more will not help but instead make things work. If this is the case, change to walking or even working on some cardio in the pool.

As we get older, our bodies are not the same as they used to be. Whilst you may see yourself as a pro at running, you should also be able to know how to slow down for the sake of your physical health.

Consult A Health Professional

One of the worst things a person can do when they are showing any of the symptoms as listed above is to ignore it.

If you are showing any signs of reduced mobility, tenderness around the hip of pain, it is very important that you seek help from a professional.

Just like with all medical difficulties, the sooner you get it diagnosed the better. By visiting a specialist, they will be able to tell you what the issue is and fix the issue before having to get a replacement.

However, it is important to accept that surgery may still be needed.

If a health professional notices the issue with your hip joints, they may offer to perform a minimally invasive surgery which, down the line, will prevent the risk of having to go through a hip replacement.

If this is left too late, there is no choice but to have a hip replacement.

Suitable Exercises To Prevent Hip Replacement

You can’t just do any exercise if you are wanting to prevent a hip replacement. You will need to make sure that the exercises you are doing will benefit this area of the body.


Lunges are a great exercise and are perfect for strengthening the hip joints. Whilst a lot of people think lunges are simply stretching out the thighs, they are actually providing plenty of strength to the thighs.

Make sure to do this carefully so as to not pull a muscle and hurt yourself.

Standing Hip Flexors

Another exercise you can do is the standing hip flexors – this is an exercise which works to strengthen the small muscles in the hip.

Not only are you able to do this exercise from the comfort of your home but it will help you to avoid any type of hip replacement surgery.

Hip Abductors

You can also try hip abductors. Hip abductors work brilliantly to promote balance meaning that you are less likely to fall.

With good balance, you will not have to concern yourself with an injury leading to a hip replacement.

Final Thoughts

Avoiding a hip replacement is not just to do with age but has a lot to do with their individual and their health.

By making sure to maintain a healthy weight and working out, you won’t need to worry about having any hip replacements.

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