Sapphire Pacific – San Marcos, California


Assisted Living Facilities are typically the largest facilities, ranging from a dozen or so residents (less common) to several hundred residents (more common). The most successful Assisted Living Facilities have a bit of a resort-like feel to them. Resident living quarters are typically in one section of the facility. Other sections of the facility will include large dining areas or cafeterias, activity areas, exercise and fitness areas, outdoor gardens, etc. The 2 biggest advantages of Assisted Living Facilities will be their dining options and their wide range of activities and outings. When considering Assisted Living Facilities, it is best to spend time researching the quality of meals and dining options (ask to eat a meal in the dining area), activity schedules, and overall social atmosphere. Assisted Living Facilities are best equipped to cater to residents who still have a relatively high degree of independence and who enjoy participating in social events. The primary disadvantage of Assisted Living Facilities will be the level of care they provide once residents decline to the point of requiring more assistance and supervision. Assisted Living Facilities are an ideal option if assistance is limited to meal preparation, laundry services, linens, and medication management. However, once assistance increases to include more time-consuming activities, such as help with bathing, toileting, or eating, then Assisted Living Facilities are no longer the best option. Compared to other options, Assisted Living Facilities have lighter staffing (generally 1 caregiver for every 7 to 12 residents) and higher turnover amongst staff, which can lead to inconsistent levels of care. Lastly, as level of care increases, costs can suddenly sky-rocket as pricing at most Assisted Living Facilities will incorporate an a-la-carte model (i.e. charges are incurred each time “extra” assistance is provided).

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