Welcome more possibilities with a helping hand nearby. Discover the benefits of assisted living in Laguna Niguel, CA, at Crestavilla. Let highly trained staff see to the housekeeping, maintenance, cooking and driving – and enjoy the confidence of having discreet personal assistance available whenever you need it. Along with the all-inclusive services and conveniences that come with our independent living option, you also have 24/7 access to support from on-site care staff. Personal care services include: Assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming, getting dressed and safety checks; Help with transfers in and out of a bed or chair; Escorting to and from meals and events; Scheduling and follow-up for physician appointments and coordination of occupational and physical therapy; Medication assistance from trained technicians; Incontinence management.
Crestavilla – Laguna Niguel, California
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